Owner / Managing Director
Amanda Hayman
“I grew up in Logan city and have cultural connections to Kalkadoon and Wakka Wakka Country. I hold a Bachelor of Arts, with a Contemporary Art major, from Griffith University. I have 11 years of experience working within a state government institution and was in a managerial position when I left in late 2017, and I have been working independently ever since. I am the Director of Blaklash Creative, an agency specialising in Aboriginal art and design, and also Director of Aboriginal Art Co, a not-for-profit company that promotes art through a gallery and store in Brisbane.”

Owner / Director
Troy Casey
“I am a proud Aboriginal man from Kamilaroi Country north-west New South Wales. I'm a co-founder of Blaklash Creative - an agency specialising in the curation of events, exhibitions and bespoke creative projects that connect people to positive experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, and a director of Aboriginal Art Co. I'm passionate about harnessing economic development opportunities to create positive social change for First Nations Australians.”

Production Manager
Alison Geppert
Alison Geppert is an accomplished Production manager with over 20 years’ experience in the fashion industry. This includes areas such as local and offshore manufacturing, training, negotiation, costings, budgeting, warehousing and logistics. Alison is committed to sharing her knowledge to make positive change, to focus on sustainable practice, and to keep learning.
Magpie Goose acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live, work and trade. We acknowledge their ongoing connection and custodianship for Country.
We pay our deep respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, particularly those who we work and collaborate with.
Always was, always will be.