A collection from Ardyaloon / One Arm Point community, from Bardi / Jawi country; 2500km North of Perth, two and a half hours drive North of Broome. On the tip of the Dampier Peninsula, in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.This collection tells stories of ancient trading routes, reef shells, seasons, Bush fruits, the best crabbing spots according to the tide + moon, whales (miniimbi), dugongs (odorr) and crayfish (joodarn), and so much more!

Odorr (Dugong) Diamond

Birimbiri, Joongoon, Goorralgar (Bush Fruits)

Gaanyji (Shells)

Gaanyji (Shells)

Joodarn (Crayfish) Manboor (Ghost Crab) & The Moon

Joomoo Tree

Manboor (Ghost Crab)


Miinimbi (Whale)

Odorr (Dugong) Family

Gamaloon (Bush Pear) Bardi Language Story

Aarli (Salmon)

Yawiny (Stingray) & Wongai (Wattle Tree)
Featured items
Magpie Goose acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live, work and trade. We acknowledge their ongoing connection and custodianship for Country.
We pay our deep respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, particularly those who we work and collaborate with.
Always was, always will be.